Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Both Hand And Machine Embroidery Looks Great, If Done With Finesse

I have machines and I do both types of embroidery, one for speed and the other purely for joy. What I find is even though I have electronic cross stitching machine, the stitches are not always as exactly placed as compared to hand embroidery. The machine does not see the holes in the aida cloth, or see the little gaps that are left when the stitch density is too low, but all of the stitches are mechanically the same size and almost always fills are done in long and short or satin stitch, so if I see lots of French knots, or lazy daisy stitched flowers I usually think hand embroidery and check for bobbin threads on the others. Sometimes I don’t care, but I hate it when I go to vintage shops and people try to sell me something because they say it is hand stitches when it is obviously machine done. I know some of the Bavarian braces are stitched with a machine on a linen background in cross stitch. Others are done on wool felt in satin stitch. I also bought a traditional dress in Jordan that has cross stitch machine embroidery on it.Many of the techniques that are applied to machine embroidery come from hand embroidery and therefore it becomes easier for people like me to learn different forms of embroidery printing t shirts. I agree that there is a place for machine embroidery as it is still an art form, but because hand embroidery is definitely a personal and individual form I prefer this kind of art form to machine pieces especially when they are factory produced.

I’ve been buying a lot of embroidered items when I go to flea markets in the summer. I usually look at the thread type used, carried threads (because we all know that that’s a big no-no in hand embroidery), if there are “zigzags” or jagged edges to the stitched design. After learning embroidery, nothing irks me more than when a seller is trying to convince me an item is hand embroidered when it is clearly not and at outrageous prices. There is nothing wrong in buying machine embroidered pieces if the design is nice or the fabric itself is of good quality. You must watch few videos on machine embroidery where the embroiderer uses a knee mechanism to widen the stitch on an industrial Juki machine. Just a bare needle with the fabric in a hoop and with stabilizer and the result is fantastic!

So Inkminded is Best embroidery printing t shirts Company  For Printing T-shirts.

Official website:-


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